Minority Business and Nonprofit Association (MBNA)

mission: to support the development, growth, and sustainability of minority businesses and nonprofits.

“Minority” Defined

A group of people within a larger population that differ from the majority in terms of characteristics such as ethnicity, religion, gender etc.

Members of a minority group often have less power and/or fewer resources compared to the majority and are often subjected to differential treatment.

our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients.

our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients.

our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients.

our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients.

our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients. our goal - To be & provide resources for our clients.

our resources

  • An intimate workspace to learn, grow and thrive in a group setting.

  • Signature workbooks & modules that allow you to learn at your own pace.

  • Join our circle and connect with other leaders in the area.

  • Utilize our status to help you reach your goals.